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UNHCR delighted as major human rights award presented to a Sudanese refugee

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is delighted that Mr. Abdulaziz Muhamat has received the 2019 Martin Ennals Award at the ceremony in Geneva today.

Recognized as a true leader, human rights and humanitarian advocate, Mr. Muhamat has tirelessly cared for fellow refugees, and eloquently drawn the world’s attention to their plight. A refugee himself, Mr Muhamat has spent more than five years under Australia’s ‘offshore processing’ on Manus Island after having fled Sudan. His efforts to represent and give voice to some of the most vulnerable human beings on earth and under the most difficult conditions are a testament to his resilience and humanity.

“I have the deepest admiration for Mr. Muhamat, for his courage, his humanity and indomitable spirit,” said Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, who met with him earlier this week. “His testimony is a wake-up call to the world about what happens when policies dehumanize and mistreat other human beings.”

UNHCR continues to urge that solutions be found for all refugees and asylum-seekers under Australia’s ‘offshore processing’ in Papua New Guinea and Nauru as a matter of urgency.