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At UNHCR we work with data and statistics, which are helping us to understand important information to save, protect and improve the lives of refugees, other forcibly displaced and stateless people. Based on good data, we can make informed decisions around our work and better plan for future operations. Data also allows us to demonstrate accountability to beneficiaries, governments, partners and donors in a tangible and comparable way. 

Our vision, strategic priorities and key actions are outlined in our Data Transformation Strategy

The collection and use of refugee data are mandated by the 1951 Refugee Convention and by the Statute of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees. The confidentiality of refugee data and related information is highly respected by UNHCR and our partners and the processing and protection of personal data are anchored in UNHCR’s Data Protection Policy. To learn more about the collection of refugee data read the Registration and Identity Management Guidelines.


UNHCR main data publications

Global Trends 2022 report cover
  • Key trends and latest numbers of refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless people worldwide
  • Latest numbers of people who have returned to their countries or areas of origin
Global Report 2022 cover, featuring a photo a a UNHCR staff member comforting  a refugee from Ukraine.
  • Latest key results and achievements of UNHCR's work, including details about major refugee operations worldwide 
  • Contributions from top donors and funding figures for programmes
  • Budget and expenditures


Cover or the 2023 Global Appeal report, featuring a photo of a man holding a small child.
  • UNHCR's financial requirements for the coming year 
  • Priorities and budget activities for the next annual period 
  • Global strategic priorities
Cover of the Global Indicator report
  • Statistical data on progress towards GCR objectives to ease pressures on host countries, enhance refugee self-reliance, expand access to third-country solutions, and support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity
  • Biennial GCR indicator-based reporting on burden- and responsibility-sharing
Cover of the 2023 Mid-Year Trends report, featuring a young South Sudanese woman and her little sister.
  • Statistical data on global displacement trends from January to June each year  
  • Selected forecast on how displacement trends may look like in the year ahead 
A mural representing the face of a young girl.
  • Sustained progress across the four GCR objectives, such as assisting refugee-hosting countries with lower incomes and increasing refugees’ access to education, economic inclusion, resettlement, and complementary pathways. 

Platforms and tools

Data management systems and statistical databases help us and our partners to improve our work, optimize our resources and make informed evidence-based decisions. Find a selection of platforms and tools below:

Refugee Population Statistics

The database provides statistics on global forced displacement, including about UNHCR's populations of concern from 1951 until today.

UNHCR Resettlement Data Finder

The Resettlement Data Finder provides resettlement statistics, interactive graphs and maps on a monthly basis. 

Global Focus UNHCR

UNHCR's main operational reporting portal for donors and other key partners.

Microdata Library

The Microdata library provides access to microdata containing information at the individual level about refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR.  

UNHCR Operational Data Portal

Inter-agency coordination portal showing operational information about selected current emergencies.

This page gathers all recent handbooks and toolkits issued by UNHCR. They provide guidance, practical tools and resources on key topics related to UNHCR's work worldwide.

Visualising data on displacement

Kenya. UNHCR distributes hygiene kits and firewood during COVID-19 crisis

The maps, stats and facts on how the pandemic has impeded efforts to protect the displaced and affected their access to basic rights.

Bangladesh. Kutupalong extension site nears completion

The influx to Bangladesh is one of the largest and fastest-growing refugee crises in decades.

Democratic Republic of the Congo. Fleeing inter-ethnic violence in Ituri province

Forced to flee their homes but remaining in their countries, the internally displaced are among the world's most vulnerable people.