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Global Trends 2022 report cover
Global Trends
UNHCR's Global Trends report presents key statistical trends and the latest numbers of refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced and stateless persons worldwide, as well as numbers of people who have returned to their countries or areas of origin.
Global Report 2022 cover, featuring a photo a a UNHCR staff member comforting  a refugee from Ukraine.
Global Report
The Global Report presents the work carried out by UNHCR in 2022 to protect and improve the lives of tens of millions of people forced to flee. It highlights the year’s achievements, as well as challenges faced by the organization and its partners.
Cover or the 2023 Global Appeal report, featuring a photo of a man holding a small child.
Global Appeal
The Global Appeal provides information about UNHCR’s plans for the coming year and the funding it needs to protect, assist and empower a record number of forcibly displaced and stateless people, and to help them find solutions to their situations.

Latest reports and publications

A young woman from South Sudan holds her one-year-old sister.
Mid-Year Trends – 2023
UNHCR’s 2023 Mid-Year Trends analyses changes and trends in forced displacement during the first six months of 2023.
Several older people seated, in a discussion, with UNHCR staff behind them
Age, Gender and Diversity Accountability - 2022
This report provides an analysis of data on the implementation of the AGD policy and the progress made in accountability to affected people and gender equality.
Protesters holding a banner saying "no law for displaced persons, no vote for deputies" (translated from Spanish)
Law and Policy on Internal Displacement
The report documents three decades of experience in domestic law and policymaking on internal displacement.
Refugee women from Ukraine are waiting in line to be registered for cash assistance
Annual Report on Cash Assistance – 2022
This report highlights UNHCR's progress in expanding the systematic use of cash assistance and provides an overview of the use of cash in UNHCR country operations.
A group of Cameroonian refugees and local children enjoy taking a photograph together during a break from class.
UNHCR Education Report – 2022
The report draws on data from more than 40 countries across the world, enabling UNHCR to paint the clearest picture yet of the state of refugee education.
Congolese refugee builds sustainable stoves
Annual Report on Sustainable Energy – 2022
The report highlights UNHCR's progress in expanding sustainable energy access for refugees in country operations.

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Visit Global Focus, UNHCR's main operational reporting portal, for more updates and publications on forced displacement.

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