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Informal briefings and meetings in 2021

To view all virtual consultations on the 2021 High-Level Officials Meeting and proposed orientations for the GCR indicator report:

For information on the first Global Refugee Forum, including a list of related preparatory meetings, documents and videos:

Series of informal briefings in 2021 as a follow-up to the Global Refugee Forum

The 2019 Global Refugee Forum was the first key milestone in the process of implementing the Global Compact on Refugees and transforming the way in which the international community responds to forced displacement. In the lead-up to the next Forum, which will take place four years after the first Forum, it will be crucial to focus on driving tangible progress, closely follow plans and strategies and ensure that all the groundbreaking commitments made at the 2019 Forum are being translated into concrete actions and outcomes. 

UNHCR convened a series of informal briefings in Geneva, providing an opportunity to discuss various aspects of the follow-up to the Global Refugee Forum. States and other stakeholders were encouraged to convene consultations at the regional or national level to discuss the follow-up to the contributions made at the Forum and share good practices.

Informal briefings

Informal briefing in New York

Second informal briefing