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Data and analysis

Data and analysis

Good decision-making requires good data.

UNHCR and partners are working to expand the availability and quality of data on refugees and host communities to help support the efficient targeting of aid resources and evidence-based programmes and policies.
Bangladesh. Joint initiative to enhance KoBoToolbox for data collection and analysis in displacement.
Reliable data is key for planning and monitoring solutions to ease the harsh conditions facing forcibly displaced populations, enable their economic resilience, and uplift host communities who live near them.

UNHCR and its partners aim to:

  • Ensure population and socioeconomic data are systematically collected and analyzed;
  • Facilitate open access to forced displacement data while ensuring the integrity of the legal protection framework;
  • Promote innovations to enhance forced displacement data through satellite imagery, cell phones, and other new technologies;
  • Strengthen the global data collection system, establish common norms, definitions, and methodologies, and support efforts to fortify country systems where necessary.

Major initiatives in this area include:

  • The inclusion of forcibly displaced persons in national surveys that measure poverty. 
  • Conducting reduced versions of national surveys as part of UNHCR proGres verification exercises
  • Enhancing the capacity of UNHCR registries to collect more meaningful socioeconomic data. 
  • Monitoring the impact of livelihoods programmes through the UNHCR Integrated Refugee and Forcibly Displaced Livelihoods Information System

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Research and policy

UNHCR is filling gaps in refugee socioeconomic data, research and policy briefs through surveys or using existing data. 

Access our research briefs and datasets


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Global Data Service

We work with data and statistics, which help us to understand important information to save, protect and improve lives.

Access the UNHCR Data page


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Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement

We are working to enhance the ability of stakeholders to make timely and evidence-informed decisions that improve the lives of affected people.

Access the Joint Data Center


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Building the evidence on forced displacement

This research joint partnership aims to contribute to expanding high-quality and policy-relevant research on forced displacement. 

Learn more about the program


Research and policy briefs

Reports and surveys on the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on forcibly displaced populations

Summary of sectors, thematic areas, and associated datasets in Rwanda
Data mapping overview

Assessment of datasets in Colombia available for research
Data mapping

What does the evidence say about IDPs in Colombia?
Evidence Bulletin #1 – September 2023

The impact of financial assistance through volunteer programmes in Cox's Bazar refugee camps
Research Brief

Age- and gender-based health risks facing adolescents within Rohingya refugee and Bangladeshi host communities
Policy briefs on health, nutrition, and SRH

Psychosocial well-being among Rohingya and Bangladeshi adolescents in Cox's Bazar
Policy brief (UNHCR provided comments)

Exploring the educational barriers facing adolescents in Cox's Bazar
Policy brief (UNHCR provided comments)

Exploring the capabilities of Bangladeshi and Rohingya adolescents in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh (includes analysis on bodily integrity and freedom from violence)
Policy brief (UNHCR provided comments)

Child poverty among refugees
Working paper – Blog post – Policy brief

Estimating refugee poverty quickly using cross-survey imputation
Research paper – Summary – Blog post 

Reaching the poorest refugees in Niger
Evaluation of food and cash distribution 

Impact of Venezuelan flow on Roraima State in Brazil
Implications for Public Policy

Integration of Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants in Brazil
Research paper – Blog post – Socioeconomic indicators dashboard (in Portuguese)

Improving employment outcomes in Uganda
Summary – Policy brief – Knowledge brief – Blog Post

Supporting the most vulnerable groups in Uganda
Targeting assistance programmes to persons with specific needs and vulnerabilities

Improving welfare and food security through better land productivity
Overview of access to land and its uses by refugees in the Maratane Camp and host communities in Mozambique

Graduation programme in Mozambique
Design of impact evaluation on employment, welfare and social integration for refugees and host communities – Blog post

Socioeconomic comparisons of forcibly displaced persons and hosts

Socio-Economic Evidence in Practice in Forcibly Displaced Settings

Kenya Analytical Program on Forced Displacement (KAP-FD)
A multi-year undertaking to gather evidence on how refugee and host populations make social and economic decisions and their implications for government, humanitarian, and development policies.

Kalobeyei Settlement in Kenya
Full reportSummaryInfographic – Microdata

Kakuma Camp in Kenya
Full reportSummary Infographic – Microdata

Urban refugees in Kenya
Full report – SummaryInfographic

Comparative analysis of urban and camp-based refugees in Kenya
Full report – SummaryInfographic

Stateless Shona Community in Kenya
Full reportSummaryBlog post – Microdata

Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh
Innovations in gathering host and refugee evidence from the Rohingya crisis in Cox's Bazar.

Cox's Bazar Panel Survey
A comprehensive, large-sample survey that tracks both host and refugee households over time in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

Survey on Rohingya refugees relocated to Bhasan Char 

Understanding the demographic profile and humanitarian needs of some 30,000 refugees relocated to the Bhasan Char island and their income-generating activities.