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Webinar outreach programme

Learn more about what it’s like to work at UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, by watching our career webinars from the UNHCR webinar outreach programme.

In this webinar series you can learn about:

  • the value of adding UNHCR to your career journey, our recruitment processes, types of contracts and benefits;
  • opportunities within Affiliate Workforce contract types if you haven’t considered our Organization in the past;
  • guidance on interview and application preparation strategies, particularly if you’re not familiar with the selection process in international organizations;
  • our mission, workforce members and activities that highlight our impact across field operations in multiple areas of expertise;
  • our priority profiles and areas of expertise;
  • special campaigns to engage and attract niche professionals, women, persons with disabilities and potential applicants from less-represented countries
  • our employees' jobs in our series “A day in the life of…”.

Watch past webinars

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Optimizing your job applications for UNHCR, the Refugee Agency

Are you interested in learning more about optimizing your job applications?

Watch the webinar Optimizing your job applications for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Hear from recruiters and hiring managers on how you can stand out when applying for positions to help us build a better future for people forced to flee. 


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Preparing for written technical assessments for jobs at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

Looking for applicant resources to help you prepare for written tests?

Join UNHCR recruiters and hiring managers to learn more about how written technical assessments may be used as part of the recruitment process, as well as learn preparation tips.


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Preparing for competency-based interviews at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

Join recruiters and hiring managers to learn more about preparing for competency-based interviews at UNHCR.

During this tutorial, you will learn best practices in anticipating questions based on the job descriptions as well as techniques to answer them in an effective manner.


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Evergreens – The UN Refugee Agency's talent pipelines

Join UNHCR's Evergreens Manager, Head of Recruitment Unit and a Senior Hiring Manager to learn about UNHCR's talent pools for common functional profiles that help the organization rapidly recruit staff to respond to crises. Evergreens are primarily used to fill Temporary Appointments.


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International professional opportunities in field operations at UNHCR (in Spanish)

Carreras Internacionales con ACNUR, La Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados

¿Está interesado/a en obtener más información sobre oportunidades profesionales en operaciones de campo en ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados? Si bien nuestros profesionales internacionales pueden desarrollar carreras en todo el mundo, siempre estamos buscando talento para unirse a nosotros y trabajar juntos para construir un futuro mejor para las personas que se ven obligadas a huir.


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Job opportunities at UNHCR for French speakers

Opportunités d'emploi au HCR – l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés

Rejoignez les recruteurs et les employés du HCR pour en savoir plus sur les opportunités d'emploi qui aident à bâtir un avenir meilleur pour les personnes contraintes de fuir. Au cours de cette session, vous entendrez parler des expériences sur le terrain de certains de nos collègues exceptionnels et en apprendrez davantage sur ce que c'est que de travailler pour cette organisation mondiale.


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Job opportunities for speakers of the Arabic language

انضم إلينا في ندوة عبر الإنترنت باللغة العربية حول فرص العمل في المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين. خلال هذا الحدث ، ستتعلم من مسؤولي التوظيف والموظفين ما يشبه العمل لبناء مستقبل أفضل للأشخاص الذين أجبروا على الفرار في جميع أنحاء العالم.


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A day in the life of a UNHCR Protection Officer

UNHCR protection specialists and an HR representative talk about the career journeys and a typical day in the lives of people who work in protection at the UN Refugee Agency.


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A Day in the Life of a Development Officer at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

UNHCR development experts talk about their daily work, career journeys, how development complements humanitarian assistance and share application tips and career advice.


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Job opportunities for persons with disabilities at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

UNHCR’s Senior Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer and staff members talk about job opportunities with UNHCR, disability inclusion and their daily work in field offices.


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A Day in the Life of a UNHCR Field Security Officer

Join our Field Security Officers from across the globe to learn more about what it takes to work in various field operations and get application tips.
