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Sudan emergency


Sudan emergency

Deadly conflict in Sudan has forced over 5 million people to flee their homes. 

With no end to the violence in sight, people are desperately seeking safety and protection, both inside Sudan and in bordering countries such as Chad, South Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Central African Republic.
A woman walking beside a donkey, on which two children are sitting

Countless people remain terrified inside Sudan, and those who have fled across the country’s many borders are in need of help, often finding themselves in places where access is extremely hard and resources strained. Humanitarians are working hard to respond but we need – once again - to call on countries and individuals with the means, to step up and provide the resources so we can help people who have lost everything.

Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees


Deadly armed conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan and the resumption of inter-communal violence in the Darfur region has forced millions of people from their homes. Since the violence broke out on 15 April, civilians have been killed and wounded, while hundreds of thousands of families have been on the move – both within the country and across borders, in dire need of protection and assistance.  

Many are arriving at remote border areas in countries neighbouring Sudan, finding very little infrastructure or services to support them. Most of those displaced are women and children, but other vulnerable people are among those who have fled, including older people, people with disabilities, and people with medical conditions.  

What is UNHCR doing to help?   

UNHCR emergency teams have been working around the clock with authorities and partners to support new arrivals, set up transit centres where people can rest and receive essential protection services and emergency supplies, and establish and expand camps where they can access longer-term support.  

For example, in Chad, UNHCR's emergency teams are on the ground meeting newly-arrived refugees, providing protection and life-saving support such as safe drinking water and access to health services, and relocating as many as possible to camps away from the border. With partners, we are scaling up capacity in existing camps and establishing up to six new camps to accommodate new arrivals.

In South Sudan, UNHCR teams, with partners, are at border crossing points to monitor and help new arrivals – mainly South Sudanese refugees who are returning. With partners, we have established transit centres where new arrivals are given food, water and accommodation in communal shelters while we work to facilitate their onward transportation to their home areas or other preferred destinations. We are also helping families establish contact with their relatives inside South Sudan so they can be reunited.  

In Ethiopia, communal emergency shelters have been built at the main arrival points on the border, and hot meals are being provided by partners. A new refugee settlement has been established where the local school and other services are being expanded to enable an integration approach with the local community. Along with partners, we have established a cholera treatment centre to contain an outbreak of the disease in the Amhara region.

In the Central African Republic, food, water, emergency shelter, hygiene kits and mosquito nets are being given to new arrivals, some of whom have been relocated to a newly established site closer to schools, a hospital and other infrastructure.  

More than 310,000 Sudanese have crossed into Egypt since the start of the violence. UNHCR is providing safe drinking water and hygiene and sanitary kits at border crossing points to relieve people after a long and difficult journey. Registration of new arrivals in Cairo has also been accelerated so refugees can access cash assistance and services like health care and education.UNHCR is working closely with governments and partners in all countries neighbouring Sudan to respond to those who have arrived and to prepare for more new arrivals.  

Meanwhile, inside Sudan, UNHCR is assisting both refugees and internally displaced people with shelter, non-food items and protection, as the security situation allows. Our teams on the ground have expanded their presence in Wad Madani, Wadi Halfa and Port Sudan in response to new displacement patterns. We are also supporting education programming for children who have been displaced. 

To scale up support, UNHCR has coordinated a revised regional response plan with 140 partners, including UN agencies, national and international NGOs, and civil society groups, to assist the projected 1.8 million refugees, returnees and third-country nationals who will need assistance up to the end of 2023, primarily in Chad, South Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Central African Republic. UNHCR's specific funding needs for that plan amount to more than $360 million, while the funding required to respond to the emergency inside Sudan is around $145 million. 


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Operational updates

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